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Recently sourced, just arrived and now in store, this premium Japanese incense will have your home smelling beautiful in moments.

Welcome to the world of kayuragi, where fragrance “ka” meets with slowly wafting scented smoke “yuragi.”

When the incense is lit, it’s smoke and aroma wafts throughout the space and brings a feeling of relief and relaxation.

It is not only from the pleasant fragrance, but also from the sight of the wafting smoke which will make you feel at ease.

Inspired by Kimono (Japanese traditional wear) fabric, the package texture is smooth, and the coloring is dramatic.

Our Kayuragi range includes the best selling Green Tea and Sandalwood as well as various Japanese floral and fruity fragrances.

Each wooden box includes 40 sticks and a bespoke ceramic incense holder. Each aromatic stick burns for up to 25mins.

-Made in Japan-

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